1. Climate and Sun Exposure
The best magnolia tree habitat takes into account the specific needs of these plants. Generally, magnolias do best in full sun conditions. They tend to do better in southern locations, though there are hardier varieties available. Most species will thrive in the mid USDA hardiness zones of 5 to 9, depending upon the variety. The USDA hardiness zone map delineates the country based on the lowest winter temperature. Magnolia of zone 5, for example, can tolerate winter temperatures as low as -20 degrees. Trees in this area should be planted in sheltered locations to prevent damage from late season snows or heavy frost.
2. Soil Conditions
Magnolia trees prefer moist, well-drained soil conditions. Soils should be acidic to slightly acidic. In the wild, they will be found in moist wooded areas, along stream banks, and in forested wetlands such as swamps. The tree can even tolerate high moisture conditions of sphagnum bogs. Magnolias have some ability to adapt to different soil conditions; however, they are intolerant of salt and drought.
3. Setting
Some species of magnolia such as the sweetbay magnolia can grow quite tall, reaching heights up to 60 feet or more in southern locations. Unfortunately, magnolia trees are not tolerant of pruning because they do not heal easily. Therefore, magnolia habitat must include the vertical space to accommodate these large trees. Smaller varieties of trees and shrubs are available where suitable height requirements cannot be met.
4. Plant Associations
Magnolias are often found with redbay and loblolly in the pocosins of the eastern United States. A pocosin is a swamp or marsh that is found in upland coastal areas. In swamp, magnolia habitat will also include tupelo and red maple in southern areas.
5. Considerations
Magnolia are shallow-rooted plants, unable to reach deep groundwater reserves, hence their intolerance of dry conditions. These shallow roots make them vulnerable to damage from fires. They should not be planted in habitats subject to fire or where fire is used for land management.