i am doing an assesment on rust i need to know how can rust be provented the best answer gets 10 points!!!!!!!!
23 answers:
jason b
2008-11-04 16:34:26 UTC
Use a galvanising paint, which is a high zinc concentrate paint. For prevention in marine environments an anode is used which is a lump of zinc.no idea how this works (to do with electrolysis) but you can google and find out.
2008-11-04 16:21:18 UTC
Remove rust spots as soon as you notice them. The smaller the rusted area is when you get to it, the better. The rust will be easier to remove, and you can prevent further rusting and irreparable damage from corrosion. If you wait too long to remove rust the damage, and repair, will be more noticeable and take longer to finish.
Phosphoric acid is a chemical solution known for its rust removal properties. When applied directly to rusted surfaces, the phosphoric acid converts to the iron oxide (rust) to a water-soluble phosphate compound that is easily scrubbed off. Phosphoric acid is usually available commercially in liquid form, but is used more often as part of a gel, called "naval jelly", which is more applicable to most surfaces. Phosphoric acid is highly toxic and you should always take general safety precautions (gloves, long sleeves and pants, safetly goggle, breathing mask) when using it to remove rust.
2008-11-04 16:26:26 UTC
The best way to prevent Rust is........................KEEP IT DRY.
If thats not an option............................Add a Coating.
Apply a primer and finish with paint. If you see signs of rust over the years, Sand it down to the bare metal and repeat the above.^^
There are those products out there RustStop ect that you spray on the rust. These are only temporary fixes...they will hit the top coat of rust, but the rust could allready be spreading thru metal below. Cheers!!!
2008-11-04 16:21:35 UTC
Well if the rust is caused by road salt you can get a type of "wax" for your car that prevents it. The only down about it is that you much wipe that area off every time to drive. Otherwise just wash it with a cleaning ajant and water.
2008-11-04 16:22:17 UTC
I think there's a rust spray, but im not sure. But just check online, at Orchard Supply Or Home Depot for rust spray.
Travis H
2008-11-04 16:25:52 UTC
um if you want to get rid of top rust, (rust formed on the top, not yet gone throught the whole object) i use wd40, its mostly in a little spray can, its blue and has a red cap, i spray the rust and let it set int then take iron wool and it will come right off..........
2008-11-04 16:21:12 UTC
a remedy is soaking it in yellow egg yolk for 5- 10 minutes and then scrub the rust off with a towel or sponge.
I HAte YhU
2008-11-04 16:20:45 UTC
Ketchup- The little particles of acid in it can take off the rust
2008-11-04 16:22:07 UTC
Coca Cola
2016-12-17 21:06:08 UTC
you should use lemon juice or vinegar in removing rust stain on your cup. purely decrease lemon into quarter. Use one quarter to scrub the rust stain on your cup, bypass away for jiffy to an hour and rinse it thoroughly. you are able to repeat the technique if needed or till all rust stains are long gone...
Listen, Listen Good.
2008-11-04 16:21:16 UTC
Since rust is made from Iron and Oxygen, either remove the oxygen, or remove the iron.
2008-11-04 16:26:05 UTC
rust can be prevented by simply keeping things away from moisture for long periods of time. thats how the rust is made is by moisture ionizing. keep it dry and out of moisture for long periods