2012-09-06 12:11:58 UTC
the weather has been raining off and on lately.
here are the problems i would like some solutions that won't kill the plant and is organic for the most part.
1. white flies- theirs a bunch of them under the leaves scattered around the plant. how do i get rid of them? also what are they and what causes them? they are very tiny but you can tell they are flies not aphids and they are white.
2. mold growing under some leaves- whats causing it? the excess rain? it's white and only under a few leaves. how do i get rid of it? should i just trim the leaves that do have it?
3. some leaves near the very bottom are turning splotchy. it's the leaves you normally trim off due to disease/mold and i did trim them off as they started growing mold but they grew back. do i keep trimming it off? and why is it turning that way. im sure it's some sort of diseases. it's only happening on the bottom leaves for the most part. the leaves are green but their are dots and it's turning a yellow color. the dots are yellowish. how can i prevent this and how do i deal with it? this never happened to me the most i had to deal with are mold and aphids. the aphids are gone. the mold has come with the weather i believe.
any help? this is my last tomato plant i really don't want it to succumb to disease/pests it just started to flower ):