First, try to removed standing water & fill in low areas in yards to discourage puddles. Keep drains, ditches and culverts clear to allow proper drainage. Check for any damp spots where mosquitos can hide & breed such as clogged roof gutters.Trim shrubs to discourage them from resting on foliage.
Using garlic sprays on bushes & shrubs should reduce the mosquito population.Mosquitos avoid garlic. It appears that the strong smell of garlic overwhelms the mosquito's sense of smell and prevents them from finding their prey (us!)."
Blend well 1garlic bulb & 1 onion add 1Tbsp cayenne pepper & 1 quart water. Steep ingredients for 1 hr, then strain & add 1 Tbsp dish soap and your non-toxic spray is ready to use.
Besides Garlic, mosquitos also don't like Citronella, Catnip, Rosemary, Thyme, Lemon Balm, Mint, the oil of Lemon Eucalyptus, or Tea Tree Oil. Make a spray of one of these & add a tablsp Ivory soap to a gallon of water & spray your bushes with it when you're outdoors. You can also add a tablsp. soybean (vegetable) oil to the soap & water spray.
OR ...
Use citronella torches &/or candles.
Cinnamon oil shows promise as an environmentally friendly pesticide, killing mosquito larvae more effectively than DEET.
Cedar chips are helpful. Spread on pathways.
Mosquito Dunks destroy Mosquitoes - by killing the larvae before they mature into biting adult pests. They're the only sustained-release B.t.i. mosquito larvicides available.
You could check out the high tech Infrared Mosquito Killing Trap (IMKT), to see if this is an option. I haven' t had any experience with this, though.
While combating those bugs, avoid the mosquito's most active time between the hours of dusk and dawn. On windy days you can usually move about outside with less mosquito confrontations & protect yourself.
The CDC says " oil of lemon eucalyptus provides protection time "similar to low-concentration DEET products in two recent studies."
Iowa State U. researches have reported that an essential oil found in catnip (Nepetalactone)
is more effectivethan DEET. (Organic Gardening Aug/Sept '06)
Rub Lemon balm leaves over yourself & your clothing to repel mosquitos.
Good luck! I hope you get rid of those mosquitos.