How do you get rid of(kill off) cactus! It's taking over my place.?
2006-03-16 19:48:29 UTC
My place has several acres of cactus and spreading yearly. Does someone know of a chemical that I can use to rid my land of this pesky stuff?
Five answers:
2006-03-16 19:54:15 UTC
Temik will kill anything, and I mean anything. It's a chemical farmers use. If you do use it, hire a professional.
2006-03-17 03:59:34 UTC
Can you get some goats? just be sure to build a fence, flood the field with water, and if the fence doesn't leak, it should hold the goat!:)

My hubby burns them, just make sure there is not a burn ban...

If they get too wet, they will mold and die...can you keep them wet?
2006-03-17 14:38:45 UTC
Cut it and pour "round up" inside. Works for almost every type of plant.
2006-03-17 17:31:54 UTC
Cut into it and put salt in the wounds.
2006-03-17 03:51:10 UTC
try vinager it is natural acedic acid,

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